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Because We Deliver Quality Financial Research
WW International shortly after we featured it in Signal from Noise, it showed huge gains, to the delight of our members.
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80% of Macro and Crypto
Fundstrat's research products are used by global asset managers representing 80% of active assets under management.
101.16% outperformance
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100+ Finance Mentions
Tom Lee and FS Insight were featured more than 100 times on major U.S. news channels in the past year.
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6,600+ Finance Reports
We’ve released more than 6,600 reports about the markets thus far, with many more to come.
What our clients think about our premium research

Peter Najarian
Market Rebellion
“Tom Lee is one of the most talented analysts on the street.”

Robert C. Doll
Nuveen Asset Management LLC
“We use Tom Lee because he does his homework”
Institutional Investor
“Tom does a huge amount of work and he doesn’t rely on hunches. All of his arguments are data driven.”
The Cointelegraph
Thomas Lee was one of the first “traditional finance” professionals talking about Bitcoin.