Republicans Prepare to Govern

In just ten days, President-elect Trump again becomes President Trump, 47. Issues from tariffs to Ukraine to Greenland have emerged during the transition that will need to be resolved once the White House joins Congress under Republican control.

This weekend, groups of Republicans are expected to make the pilgrimage down to Mar-a-Lago for sessions with Trump. One of the groups that will need a great deal of attention is the House Freedom Caucus, which is a group of the most conservative House Republicans. When Trump tried to work with the Speaker and pass a Continuing Resolution (CR) that included an increase in the debt ceiling, 38 House Republicans voted no. Many of these 38 were also members of the Freedom Caucus. Increasing the debt ceiling during the first half of the year will be one of the toughest lifts for the new administration. 

However, we have also seen the power that Trump brings to the legislative process. When the House fell two votes short in electing a speaker for the 119th Congress, it was his direct intervention that sealed the deal. Two Republicans went to the House floor and changed their votes to support Mike Johnson for Speaker after talking to President Trump.

With the U.S. approaching the legal debt ceiling, there are only so many tools that the Treasury can use to avoid issuing new debt. At some point, action will be needed, and that will likely be a key topic as House Republicans meet with President Trump this weekend.

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