Latest Update on the Relief Bill

Things are a mess in Washington.

As Congress was finishing the relief/Omnibus Spending bill they extended the government funding bill until December 28. This means that if the President doesn’t sign the bill passed by Congress there would be a government shutdown on 12/28 without another stopgap bill being passed. The extension would require unanimous consent and the President’s consent.

The President in his statement described the foreign aid parts of the spending bill as wasteful and implied that it was in the relief package. Also, I assume that the foreign aid was requested by the State Department or DoD. Congress seldom puts in foreign aid opposed by the Administration.

It is not clear whether the President threatened to veto the bill, but it sure sounded like a veto threat to me.

Pelosi has taken up the challenge and will put a bill on the House floor tomorrow amending the relief package to increase individual checks from $600 to $2,000. Any objections would come from Rs. Schumer has supported the move.

The President has also taken aim at McConnell and his number two John Thune for not being loyal enough. As I wrote in the FSI Blast this morning, my guess is that Trump’s attack on the $600 payment was payback to Mitch as it creates a real headache for Senate Republicans. All the no votes in both the Senate and House came from Rs who thought $600 was too much for individual payments.

We will see how the day develops…

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