Mark Newton’s Live Technical Analysis - April 2024

Thursday, January 1, 1970 12:33AM ET
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Key Topics

In his 2H2023 Outlook, Mark Newton raised his year-end outlook to 4700. On December 29th, the last trading day of 2023, the market closed at 4770. Join us to hear Mark's take on the names you care about the most in today's market
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Please click the link below and submit the ticker(s) you would like Mark to discuss during his Live Technical Analysis Webinar. Priority will be given to the tickers with the most votes.
Can’t make it? No worries: We’ve got you covered. A replay will be available shortly afterward.

Panel of Speakers

Tom Lee

Mark L. Newton, CMT AC

Head of Technical Strategy

Mark has more than 25 years of buy and sell-side experience in the financial services industry. He formerly worked with Diamondback Capital Management and Morgan Stanley as their technical strategist.

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