Crypto Research

1,680 Results

Equities opened higher this Monday morning on the back of easing bond yields. The ^SPX 1.26%  and NDQ are trading 0.6% and 1.0% higher, respectively. However, the U.S. 02Y has turned higher since this morning, now pushing back towards 4.9%. The DXY has moved lower, assisted by increased hawkish rhetoric from the ECB. The crypto market rallied slightly in concert with equities but is stalling in the face of rate strength....

Digital asset markets have retraced following Silvergate's insolvency concerns detailed below. BTC and ETH have declined 3.7% and 3.2% in the past day, while ^SPX 1.26%  and QQQ 1.48%  are 1.1% and 1.4% higher than yesterday's close. US10Y (-2.0%) yields have dipped back below 4.0%, with the DXY (-0.3%) following suit. Despite retracements across large caps, MKR is trading 26% higher over the past week. The CDP protocol announced more favorable terms for its...

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