Big Trade Deals Signed; Sanders and Warren Duke it Out

Another big week for President Donald Trump’s trade agenda, with the White House signing ceremony for the Phase One deal with China, and the Senate giving its final approval to the new NAFTA, known as USMCA. I would expect a signing ceremony for USMCA in the coming days. With China and USMCA finalized there is talk that the President and his trade team may turn their sights to Europe. Hmmm. Just what Germany needs. See page 6.

Given the impeachment trial gets underway soon in an election year, investors should expect politics not policy to dominate headlines for the next few weeks. Washington, D.C. will be consumed with the Senate trial process. Meanwhile, the Democrats are preparing for the first votes to be cast in the primary fight with the Iowa Caucuses just over two weeks away.

The impeachment trial begins on Tuesday, Jan. 21, and some of the Republican Senators in competitive races in 2020 could face some tough choices. Two Republican Senators up this year, Susan Collins from Maine and Cory Gardner from Colorado are in states Hillary Clinton carried in 2016. Still, there’s little or no chance of the two-thirds vote needed to convict.

The Iowa Democratic debate earlier this week had a few takeaways. First was the battle between Senators Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren to be the standard bearers for the more radical leftist wing of the party. As polls have shown Sanders winning the fight, Warren tried to open up a new issue to garner the support of women.

She claimed that two years ago the Vermont Senator told her he didn’t think a woman could be elected President. The fight became public before and during the debate, and an ugly aftermath was seen when Warren confronted Sanders on the podium as the debate ended.

Ah, but the winner of this fight is likely candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden, who had an acceptable if not electric debate performance. It builds his reputation as a healer not involved with the Warren/Sanders squabble.

There’s a long way to go yet.

Figure: Top Trump Tweets

Big Trade Deals Signed; Sanders and Warren Duke it Out
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