  • NEM

  • $54

  • +0.87%
  • $54

  • $54

  • $53

Ticker Appearances

Mon, November 27, 2023 | 10:07AM ET
Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday- Precious Metals providing some early morning gains this week and Gold surging to highest levels since this past Spring- As discussed in my pre-Thanksgiving report last Tuesday, this rally back to new all-time highs should be underway and both Gold and Silver are attractive for gains into year-end- Gold stocks likeNEM 0.87%  andGOLD 0.75%  and GDX set to close at the highest levels since early October- Given the stallout in stocks like NVDA, AAPL, GOOGL of late, precious metals might very well outperform Large-cap Tech over the next few weeks- GLD 1.49%  andIAU 1.47%  are ETF vehicles for Gold, whileSLV 3.12%  is the IShares Silver ETF


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