S&P 500

- Technical Strategy
Trucking Looks Set for Potential Turnaround
As I sit here in the beautiful Smoky Mountains, I note that, in my absence, the S&P 500 has again, in August, held and rallied from key support at 2822, following last Friday’s tweet sell-off. Despite this gut-check roller coaster ride, the technical backdrop remains unchanged, with the index likely...

- Your Weekly Roadmap
Technical Strategy
Trump's Tweets Trump Technical Analysis-For Now
A funny meme circulated among the technical cognoscenti last week: President Donald Trump holding a sign that says “Your technical analysis is no match against...
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Technical Strategy
Longterm Backdrop Bullish for Stocks; Bonds Not So Much
You have to admire the Standard & Poor’s 500 index’s ability to scale the proverbial “Wall of Worry” in the face of major trade, economic...
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