
- Technical Strategy

- Technical Strategy
A Q1 Pullback Appears Likely but Temporary
Coincidently, as I was preparing for this week’s note, I came across a quote from Peter Lynch, the legendary portfolio manager of Fidelity’s Magellan Fund between 1977-1990. Peter noted that _“FAR MORE MONEY HAS BEEN LOST BY INVESTORS PREPARING FOR CORRECTIONS THAN HAS BEEN LOST IN THE CORRECTIONS THEMSELVES”._ I...

- Technical Strategy
Short Lived Pullback Underway - Key S&P Levels to Focus On
Equity markets pulled back this week but I’M EXPECTING THE CURRENT PULLBACK TO BE SHORT-LIVED WITH FURTHER UPSIDE INTO YEAR-END AND EARLY Q1. By February, however, weekly indicators tracking 1-2 quarter shifts are likely to be overbought after bottoming at the beginning of September with most cyclical stocks. The pending...
Tom Lee's Equity Strategy
Market Pullback Overdue; Lots of Cash Still On the Sidelines
It was a painful week, with equity markets down 5%. But a big pullback was overdue, given the extended and relentless rise. The natural question...
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