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- First Word
Nasdaq outperformed post dot-com crash. Yup. And structural labor shortage strengthens demand for Technology in 2022
Signs of economic slowing are becoming more prevalent, allaying concerns that the economy is so "hot" that the Fed needs to further accelerate rate hikes. But the unknown is how quickly inflationary pressures abate. As our clients know, we believe goods inflation will decline faster than consensus expects, which in...

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Clues continue to emerge for weakening labor = bad news is good for market stability
WEBINAR ALERT: 5/19 AT 2PM ET FOR FSINSIGHT MEMBERS We are delighted to announce we are hosting a webinar with Tom DeMark, founder of DeMark Analytics.Equities have been in a relentless downturn since the start of 2022.While valuations have become considerably more attractive, and sentiment rock bottom, investors are still...
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The "Great Resignation" --> 6 supply reasons labor market tightness is "transitory"
#2 PARTICIPATION RATE: PARTICIPATION RATE MATCHING FEB 2020 MEANS 3.7 MILLION PEOPLE LOOKING FOR WORK Look at the participation rate, fyi, we also show this...
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Crypto - Crypto Strategy
Labor Day Leverage Check
On Tuesday, the market experienced cascade of liquidations as nearly $4.0 billion of long positions across the entire crypto market were wiped out. Approximately $1.0...
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Signal From Noise
Conservative Election Win Should Boost UK Stocks
Conservative Election Win Should Boost Lagging UK Stocks - Polls Are Calling for a Conservative Majority in U.K, but Advantage Is Narrowing - Another hung...
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