FSI Sector Allocation - October 2023 Outlook

Please CLICK HERE to download the October sector allocation report in PDF format.

We are pleased to announce the much-anticipated relaunch of the FSI Sector Allocation Strategy, designed to help investors outperform the market in the long run while managing risk exposure.

The new sector allocation model is comprised of two parts*:

  • Sector ETF Allocation: 85% of sector allocation model. Similar to the previous version of our sector allocation strategy, this is primarily realized through sector ETFs. The new decision-making process consists of three sub-components. (Slide 32)
    1. Passive – 50% of the 85% sector ETF allocation replicates the current sector distribution of the S&P 500 index.
    2. Strategic – 35% of the 85% sector ETF allocation is determined by the sector ratings of Fundstrat’s Head of Research, Tom Lee, and the sector technical rating of Fundstrat’s Head of Technical Strategy, Mark Newton. (Slides 33-34)
    3. Short-term Momentum – We increase the weighting of the top 3 sectors with the strongest short-term momentum. Conversely, we reduce the weighting of the 3 sectors with the weakest short-term momentum. (Slide 35)
  • Tactical ETF Allocation: 15% of sector allocation model. This portion is new to the model.
    • During each monthly update, we select 5 individual ETFs from a universe of 65 ETFs. (Slide 36)
    • The selection process resembles our “Super Grannies” method and consists of four primary elements: 1\ ETF Rank; 2\ Tactical Rank; 3\ Price Trend; 4\ Technical View from Fundstrat’s Head of Technical Strategy, Mark Newton. (Slides 37-39)

* We understand that some clients are only interested in the Sector ETF allocation. As such, we’ve also included a version of an allocation consisting solely of Sector ETFs. (Slide 40)

Below is our October ETF allocation (Slide 2):

FSI Sector Allocation - October 2023 Outlook

The sector ETF weighting is primarily based on the Sector Ratings below (Slide 5):

FSI Sector Allocation - October 2023 Outlook

5 Tactical ETF picks for October 2023 (Slide 18):

FSI Sector Allocation - October 2023 Outlook

The new version improves on the previous version in three important ways:

  • Transparency: Although extensive consideration and institutional-grade analyses have gone into the revamp of this powerful tool, we have also put considerable effort into making this strategy easy to understand. Our goal is for investors to fully understand how weighting decisions are determined and why certain decisions are made.
  • Consistency: By establishing a clear, consistent methodology, we can maximize the benefits of our evidence-based approach to investment research while minimizing the inevitable influence of personal intuition. In addition, the new FSI Sector Allocation Strategy is more compatible with – though still distinct from – the methodologies behind our Granny Shots stock list and its related Super Grannies and Sleeping Grannies lists.
  • Versatility: The strategy incorporates both active and passive approaches, making it suitable for investors with different approaches to portfolio management. In addition, we will include both strategic and tactical components, making it useful for both short- and long-term time horizons.

Future Enhancements
Usage of DQM
Members familiar with our research are aware of our frequent use of the Fundstrat Doctor Quant Model (DQM) in stock selection. However, as some constituents of the Tactical ETFs fall outside the scope of DQM, we have yet to incorporate it into our current ETF selection process. We’re eagerly developing DQM for ETFs and look forward to integrating it soon.

Customized Sector Allocation
We understand that each member has unique risk tolerances and investment objectives. Some might prioritize our short-term Tactical ETF recommendations, while others might find certain ETFs in the Tactical ETF universe outside their investment purview. We’re currently developing a function within our platform that will allow members to customize weights for each portion of the ETF allocations, tailoring the model to fit their individual preferences. For instance, if one is solely interested in our strategic ETF allocations, they can set the weights for the Tactical ETF portion to 0% and the Strategic portion to 100%.

We look forward to announcing the release of these features when they are ready.

We hope you will find the Sector Allocation Strategy useful in your investment journey. The strategy will be updated on a monthly basis, and we look forward to hearing your thoughts on how we can make it better. If you have any questions about this, or any other aspect of our work, please do not hesitate to e-mail us at inquiry@fsinsight.com.

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