Ticker Appearances
First Word
Stocks up 65% of the past 20 trading days, highest since Nov 2021, and a reason it is starting to "feel like a bull market." We expect 1Q23 EPS to exceed expectations, likely 2H23 trough in EPS = supporting strengthening breadth.
The S&P 500 is up 8% YTD (~+20% in the past 6 months) and at this pace, is annualizing returns of ~30% -- that is...
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First Word
Stocks up 65% of the past 20 trading days, highest since Nov 2021, and a reason it is starting to "feel like a bull market." We expect 1Q23 EPS to exceed expectations, likely 2H23 trough in EPS = supporting strengthening breadth.
The S&P 500 is up 8% YTD (~+20% in the past 6 months) and at this pace, is annualizing returns of ~30% -- that is...
This report is accessible to FSI Pro, FSI Macro memberships.
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To continue reading our research please sign up below.
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Visitor: cb2bf8-929d09-84d816-661154-b29ddb Array ( [cookie] => cb2bf8-929d09-84d816-661154-b29ddb [current_usage] => 2 [max_usage] => 2 [current_usage_crypto] => 2 [max_usage_crypto] => 2 [lock] => 1 [message] => [error] => [active_member] => 0 [subscriber] => 0 [role] => )