Exceptionally Positive Week for COVID-19 Daily Case Data

This week has been an exceptionally positive week in COVID-19 daily case data. For each of the last four weekdays, cases have been down vs 7 days ago and despite some expected backlog for the long weekend, we did not see any “payback.” At this pace, daily cases will likely fall below 20,000 next week even with back to school and other headwinds.

At a high level, our research this week shows that daily cases are falling sustainably in 73% of the US while only about 27% of the country is seeing stubborn trends. And while headlines continue to point to rising case figures, this is primarily attributable to seasonality, as the underlying data points to a rapid retreat in cases.

Exceptionally Positive Week for COVID-19 Daily Case Data

– This week we highlighted 21 states where cases have remained stubbornly high. Going forward, the trend in these states is the most important one to watch.

– I have been looking for a day of “payback” where the long holiday weekend would have resulted in a backlog of cases. Instead we have seen the daily cases change vs 7 days ago, the key leading indicator that we track, continue to drop. See chart on left.

Strategy: I view the AAII survey, or American Association of Individual Investors, as one of the standard bearers of retail investor sentiment. The members are now much older, typically representing Baby Boomers, but as we all know, Baby Boomers also happen to control 76% of the $100 trillion of US household net worth.

Exceptionally Positive Week for COVID-19 Daily Case Data

This Thursday’s print represents a very good snapshot of retail investor sentiment and affirms that Baby Boomers have been persistently bearish since the start of the Feb/March crash and have never turned bullish. Thus, while equity markets have risen to new highs, the typical retail investor remains cautious. And this caution can also be seen through stubbornly high money market balances. Total money market assets are around $4.6 trillion, which is above the $3.6 trillion at the start of 2020. Do you wonder why pullbacks remain shallow?

Source: FSInsight, Bloomberg

Over the last two weeks, it has become evident that mega cap Tech stocks are no longer invincible. And although the stock market and the tech sector (currently about 11% below its all-time high) in particular have seen a pullback over the last few days, I think it is important to keep a couple of things in mind: (i) stocks soared in August, so a bit of payback is not entirely surprising, (ii) the market was overbought based on many technical indicators.

Overall, with the exception of rising election uncertainty, I think drivers of stocks returns remain largely constructive. On the COVID-19 recovery font the US economy is gaining momentum, the COVID-19 virus is organically retreating, vaccine/cure developments remain positive with good momentum, and Americans are becoming less fearful. Bonds are giving strong relative value argument for investing in stocks (TINA), stocks are seasonally strong into year end, and the Fed remains dovish.

This week, we asked our global macro strategy team to identify attractive stocks that are positively levered to the economy re-opening and found 45 stocks that meet the criteria. I encourage you to refer to our most recent COVID-19 note for the detailed list. As both Brian Rauscher, Global Portfolio Strategist, and Rob Sluymer, Head of Technicals still like Growth stocks, this is list comes in addition to their Growth recommendations.

Bottom Line: Epicenter stocks represent an attractive risk/reward. While these companies do not have earnings visibility and are not obvious winners from COVID-19, they are going to be the primary contributors to EPS growth in 2021.

Figure Comparative matrix of risk/reward drivers in 2020
Per FSInsight

Exceptionally Positive Week for COVID-19 Daily Case Data

Figure: FSInsight Portfolio Strategy Summary – Relative to S&P 500
** Performance is calculated since strategy introduction, 1/10/2019

Exceptionally Positive Week for COVID-19 Daily Case Data

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