Tom Block's Take on Iowa Debate (1/14/20)

Thought I’d share some quick thoughts on last night’s debate. 

I thought Bernie Sanders did well and showed lot’s of energy and ideas.  However, I think he made a mistake by not being more respectful to Senator Warren over her view that in their personal conversation he implied that a woman couldn’t be elected President. That said in my view he won the race to be the standard bearer of the party’s progressives, and I believe the polls that show him building momentum leading into the the Caucuses in less than three weeks looks right.

While VP Biden wasn’t electric I think he gave a very strong closing statement making the case that the issue in November will be decency and he continues to stand tall on that count.  While Senator Klobuchar does well in a debate format she didn’t shine so bright as to overwhelm Biden, same for Buttigieg and Steyer. Short of a surprise in the closing weeks I believe the race could quickly narrow down to Biden and Sanders; but Iowa Caucus voters and New Hampshire primary voters take pride in being unpredictable.

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