Government Is Funded Until 12/20

Facing a Monday September 30 deadline to fund the government at the start of the new fiscal year, Congress passed a Continuing Resolution (CR) that runs until December 20th.  Passing the CR and allowing Members of the House and Senate to go home and campaign demonstrated that Congress can act quickly when given the appropriate impetus.

On Wednesday, within a few hours, both Chambers of Congress acted. In the afternoon the House passed the bill on a vote of 341 YES to 82 NO, and by evening, the Senate had also acted, with a vote of 78 YES to 18 NO.  In both the House and the Senate all the NO votes came from Republicans.

The new CR runs until December 20, and Congress now plans to return on November 18 to have a post-election session where they will need to deal with issues ranging from funding the military to avoiding a government shutdown.

The post-election session will be heavily influenced by the election outcome.  If former President Trump wins, Republicans may want to punt the budget ball until March to give the newly elected President the opportunity to have an influence on the spending priorities for FY 25. Hewever, if Vice President Harris wins, there could be a desire to pass the budget and move on with the new Administration. In any event both sides will need to agree on a strategy if a government shutdown days before Christmas is to be avoided.

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