GRANNY SHOTS: February 2022 Update

We have updated our Granny Shots stock list for February 2022. There have been nine stocks removed from the list and there have been twelve stocks added. Our Granny Shots portfolio is comprised of stocks that qualify for at least two of our thematic and tactical themes. Our tactical themes are Value tilt, Seasonality, and stocks that benefit from a PMI recovery. Our thematic categories are the economic rise of millennials, the rise of AI/Automation, and Asset Intensity. Our strategic themes have an investment time horizon of 3-5 years. Our tactical themes have an investment time horizon of 6-12 months. Performance is measured on an equally-weighted basis from when names are added and removed.

Chubb (CB -0.62% ), CF Industries Holdings Inc. (CF 1.75% ), Chevron (CVX 2.28% ), Exxon (XOM 2.66% ) Verisign (VRSN 2.16% ), and Global Life (GL -0.02% ) were added for qualifying for our Value/Growth Tilt and PMI Recovery. Cummins Inc. (CMI 4.39% ) was added for qualifying for our Value/Growth Tilt, Seasonality, and PMI Recovery.

Monster Beverage (MNST -1.85% ) was added for Value/Growth tilt and Millennials. O’Reilly Automotive (ORLY 1.38% ) was added for qualifying for Seasonality and Millennials. Paccaar Inc. (PCAR -0.60% ) was added for Seasonality and PMI Recovery. Procter & Gamble (PG -0.37% ) was added for Value/Millennials. Devon Energy (DVN 1.70% ) was added for Seasonality and PMI Recovery.

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