Bitcoin Misery Index BMI

Sentiment indicator for the crypto markets

The Fundstrat Bitcoin Misery Index (BMI) ranges from 0-100 and indicates buy and sell opportunities for Bitcoin investors.
When the BMI falls below 27 it indicates a strong Buy signal.
The higher this index is the more likely Bitcoin's price will fall.

The Fundstrat Bitcoin Misery Index (BMI), a proxy for how investors feel about bitcoin’s “price action”, measures the expected sentiment of a holder of bitcoin (50=Neutral, <27 Misery,>67 Happy).

The two components of the BMI are win-ratio (% days bitcoin is up, higher is better) and the upside less downside volatility (higher is better).

The Misery Index ranges from 0-100 and is based on the following formula (7*(z-score win-ratio + z-score upside less downside volatility)+50).

The BMI is updated daily at 6:30PM EST