Horizen: A Sidechain Platform for Developers

Thursday, December 2, 2021

11:00AM ET

To access this webinar

Please join us on Thursday, December 2 at 11:00 AM ET for our Horizen: A Sidechain Platform for Developers

Horizen is a network designed to host privacy-preserving decentralized applications at scale. The protocol leverages a unique sidechain architecture to overcome the scaling challenges presented by the traditional proof-of-work consensus blockchain. Horizen is entering a new development phase as Zendoo, its sidechain platform, enters a public testnet, and the team works toward mainnet launch.

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Key Topics

- Discussion of major technical updates
- Discussion of recent growth and partnerships
- Live Q&A with Rob Viglione, Co-Founder and Team Lead of Horizen

Panel of Speakers

Tom Lee

Sean Farrell AC

Head of Crypto Strategy

Sean Farrell is the Head of Crypto Strategy at FS Insight. Prior to joining FS Insight, Sean was a manager in the Transaction Opinions group at Alvarez & Marsal, and previously worked as an associate with Anvil Advisors.

Tom Lee

Rob Viglione

Co-Founder and CEO of Horizen Labs

Rob holds a Ph.D. in Finance, an MBA in Finance and Marketing, and a Bachelor's in Physics & Applied Mathematics. Previously he has been an advisor to Aave, HeroEngine, and worked as a software project manager for the U.S. Air Force.