Horizen: A Sidechain Platform for Developers
Thursday, December 2, 2021
11:00AM ET
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Please join us on Thursday, December 2 at 11:00 AM ET for our Horizen: A Sidechain Platform for Developers
Horizen is a network designed to host privacy-preserving decentralized applications at scale. The protocol leverages a unique sidechain architecture to overcome the scaling challenges presented by the traditional proof-of-work consensus blockchain. Horizen is entering a new development phase as Zendoo, its sidechain platform, enters a public testnet, and the team works toward mainnet launch.
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Panel of Speakers

Sean Farrell AC
Head of Crypto Strategy
Sean Farrell is the Head of Crypto Strategy at FS Insight. Prior to joining FS Insight, Sean was a manager in the Transaction Opinions group at Alvarez & Marsal, and previously worked as an associate with Anvil Advisors.

Rob Viglione
Co-Founder and CEO of Horizen Labs
Rob holds a Ph.D. in Finance, an MBA in Finance and Marketing, and a Bachelor's in Physics & Applied Mathematics. Previously he has been an advisor to Aave, HeroEngine, and worked as a software project manager for the U.S. Air Force.