Bitwise: Crypto Index Funds Built for Investment Professionals
Tuesday, November 30, 2021
2:00PM ET
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Please join us on Tuesday, November 30 at 2:00 PM ET for our Bitwise: Crypto Index Funds Built for Investment Professionals.
The advent of bitcoin futures ETFs in the U.S. has ushered in greater participation and interest in crypto as an investment. But the crypto market is vastly bigger than BTC, which has prompted many to start asking: What’s next? In this 60-minute discussion, Bitwise Chief Investment Officer Matt Hougan and Bitwise Director of Research David Lawant will discuss the most interesting opportunities in crypto today beyond bitcoin and highlight the role of their newly launched Bitwise 10 ex-Bitcoin Crypto Index Fund and Bitwise 10 Crypto Index Fund (non-OTC Trust).
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Panel of Speakers

Sean Farrell AC
Head of Crypto Strategy
Sean Farrell is the Head of Crypto Strategy at FS Insight. Prior to joining FS Insight, Sean was a manager in the Transaction Opinions group at Alvarez & Marsal, and previously worked as an associate with Anvil Advisors.

Matt Hougan
CIO at Bitwise
Previously CEO at Inside ETFs, Managing Director of Global Finance at Informa. Before that, CEO of Co-authored the CFA Institute's monograph on ETFs.

David Lawant
Research Analyst at Bitwise
Research Analyst at Bitwise Asset Management, the leading provider of crypto index funds and other structured crypto investment products.