3iQ: A Global Leader in Digital Asset Management - November 2024
Wednesday, November 13, 2024
11:00AM ET
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Panel of Speakers

Sean Farrell AC
Head of Crypto Strategy
Sean Farrell is the Head of Crypto Strategy at FS Insight. Prior to joining FS Insight, Sean was a manager in the Transaction Opinions group at Alvarez & Marsal, and previously worked as an associate with Anvil Advisors.

Louis LaValle
Executive Vice President, Hedge Fund Solutions
Louis LaValle is Executive Vice President of 3iQ Hedge Fund Solutions (HFS) and President of 3iQ Digital Assets (US). Louis joined 3iQ in 2021 and is responsible for the development, execution, and investment management of 3iQ’s digital asset hedge fund platform. He is head of the 3iQ HFS Operating Committee and serves as Senior Portfolio Manager for the 3iQ Managed Account Platform (QMAP). Louis brings over 21 years of experience advising global institutions on hedge fund, private equity, and digital asset investing. Prior to 3iQ, Louis held senior leadership positions at several alternative investment management firms including Neuberger Berman, EACM Advisors (BNY Mellon), Permal Group (Legg Mason) and Skybridge Capital.