2021 Crypto Outlook

Thursday, January 28, 2021

3:00PM ET

Webinar for members only
for FSI Crypto and FSI Pro members only
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Key Topics

  • Tom Lee Introduction.
  • The rise of Bitcoin during 2020 and an overview of the crypto market.
  • Long term fundamental technology investment thesis for the crypto industry.
  • Why 2021 could be even better than 2020 based on the macro trends we see.
  • How to position your crypto portfolio in the current and future environment.
  • Q&A

Panel of Speakers

Tom Lee

Tom Lee, CFA AC


Head of Research at Fundstrat Global Advisors and FS Insight

Previously Chief Equity Strategist at J.P. Morgan from 2007 to 2014, top-ranked by Institutional Investor every year since 1998.

Tom Lee

David Grider

Lead Digital Asset Strategist

Director and Senior Analyst at FSInsight, overseeing emerging tech research within the blockchain, fintech and internet space.