BitDigest April 6 · Issue #630

Apr 6, 2020
  • Cryptocurrencies recover driven by bitcoin’s weekend break back above $7,000. Total market capitalization for digital currencies back at $200 billion level.
  • The Bank of Korea announced it has begun work on a CBDC and expects completion of pilot by December 2021
  • Japan will begin enforcing new crypto asset regulations on May 1st
BitDigest April 6 · Issue #630

In our existing work from home environment, we have all discovered new technologies to help us adapt to this changing work lifestyle. However, I have found coronavirus has unintentionally marked the end of one of the great business innovations of the past twenty years, and has identified a major need in the acceptance of work from home technology, the latter which is being addressed through public-private key encryption like digital currencies.

I think we are experiencing the real end of the facsimile machine. Although developed at the beginning of the 20th century, over 100 years ago, the first modern fax machine was commercialized in the 1960s and by the late 80s and early 90s became a standard technology in every office and many homes. Faxes are still being used in the leverage loan market, but outside of this I think the home business professional has finally decided to part ways with the aging technology.

Spring cleaning this year has reached a new level. Not only did my family and I go through our closets, but we went through every cabinet and drawer, and spent hours cleaning and discarding no longer needed items in the garage. Nearby my home is a municipal dump where I seem to be taking a lot of trash. It has an area for paper and plastic / glass recycling, plus a large shipping container where people can put used furniture, and a second one where electronics can be disposed. Without doubt, the largest item being discarded in the electronics container are fax machines. There are larger office machines as well as the smaller telephone units many of us had at home. I think people have finally realized that they no longer use them and used this period of excessive cleaning to finally throw them out. While many of us have not sent or received a fax for several years, I think our home cleanings has symbolically brought the formal end to one of the great technical advancement of the 20th century: the fax machine.

If you still have your home office fax, and are not involved in credit markets, I’d recommend you try using PDFs and other technology that allow you read, edit, sign and send documents without the need to print them. These technologies lead me to my second topic which requires greater acceptance of a proven technology that benefits from blockchain encryption.

eSignatures are uniquely identifiable, electronic signatures designed to provide a secure and accurate identification method for the signatory to provide a seamless transaction. They are legally accepted under the US’s Electronic Signatures in Global and National Commerce Act (ESIGN) and the EU Directive for Electronic Signatures. Both acts defined electronically signed contracts and documents as legally binding on the same terms as paper-based contracts.

Unfortunately, while working at home, I have discovered that while the law profession has begun to accept eSignatures as a formally recognized method to approve the contents of a document, the financial community has not.  Many of the leading global banks will not accept an eSignature for authorization and instructions, even if the signature itself is time stamped, and using public-private key encryption. In asymmetric encryption, the private key is used by the signer to electronically sign the document and the public key is openly available and used by those who need to validate the signer’s electronic signature. A public, decentralized blockchain adds an additional layer of security by enabling anyone in the network to have the same “source of truth” about the credentials and validity of the signature. This insures more secure management by providing unified, interoperable, and tamper-proof infrastructure with key benefits to all users and enterprises

While I understand the decision to forgo acceptance of eSignatures is to protect the account holder, I think financial firms need to recognize that the same technology that they are considering to manage digital assets, help reduce their internal cost structure and provide improved settlement is also being used to verify personal identity.

Bitcoin History

Belated Happy Birthday Satoshi!

Yesterday, April 5th is believed to have been Satoshi Nakamoto’s 45th birthday. The anonymous creator of bitcoin listed April 5, 1975 as his birthday on his P2P Foundation Profile.

While this date was originally considered to possibly be a clue to his real identity and Satoshi’s actual birthdate, it was later determined that April 5th (1933) is the date that US President Franklin D. Roosevelt signed executive orders 6102 prohibiting the hoarding of gold by US citizens, and 1975 is the year that gold ownership was re-legalized for Americans. Maybe Satoshi’s birthdate had a hidden meaning.

The Headlines

BitDigest April 6 · Issue #630

South Korea Announces Initiation of CBDC Pilot Program
The Bank of Korea has launched a pilot program for its central bank digital currencies (CBDC). The central bank announced it initiated the program last month and expects the trial to run through December 21st. The 22-month program is aimed at identifying technical and legal provisions required to create and issue a CBDC.
BitDigest April 6 · Issue #630

Japan to Enforce New Crypto Regulations Starting May 1st
Japanese regulators announced that the new Payment Services Act, and Financial Instruments and Exchange Act will go into effect on May 1st. The new laws regulate digital currencies, including initial coin offerings (ICOs) and security token offerings (STOs) and require exchanges to hold users cryptocurrencies separate from their own cash flows.
BitDigest April 6 · Issue #630

China Still Prioritizing Research and Development of CBDC
The People’s Bank of China reiterated its continued efforts to develop of a central bank digital currency (CBDC). The bank provided an update identifying its objectives by stating “the top priority is to enhance the top level system design, unswervingly advance the research and development of CBDC, systematically promote the reform of cash issuance and return systems, and accelerate the promotion of banknote processing business, issuance of bank guards and issuance funds.”
BitDigest April 6 · Issue #630

BIS Questions Spread of Disease on Paper Money and Warns Call for CBDC Could Increase
The Bank of International Settlement (BIS) issued a bulletin on the future of payments given the ongoing COVID-19 crisis. The BIS questions the validity of fears that coronavirus is being transmitted by paper money but suggests that these fears could lead to greater calls for both paper money and the issuance of central bank digital currencies. Furthermore, the issuance of digital payment solutions could negatively impact the unbanked and older consumers who could lack access to the technological solution.
BitDigest April 6 · Issue #630

European Commission Explains Usefulness of Blockchain
The European Commission’s head of blockchain and digital innovation said blockchain “presents an excellent technology for situations where different stakeholders need to collaborate but, due to competition or legal reasons, they do not want to or are unable to share a single database.” Peteris Zilgavis added that the technology is not a panacea but identified applications such as document certification, self-sovereign identities and regulatory reporting, where the distributed ledger technology is “30% to 80% more efficient.”
BitDigest April 6 · Issue #630

Interpol Warns of New Attacks Against COVID-19 Responders
Interpol, the international organization that facilitates worldwide police cooperation and crime control, warned that the key organizations involved in the COVID-19 virus response are being targeted with ransomware attacks. The malicious software attacks typically block an organization from accessing files until they pay a ransom, usually in digital currencies.
BitDigest April 6 · Issue #630

Mass Class Action Filing Against Crypto Firms
A new series of class action lawsuits were filed against 11 of the most recognized digital currency companies claiming they eluded investors by selling unlawful securities in the form of digital tokens to unknowledgeable US residents and failed to share full disclosure of information to all investing parties. The 11 suits were filed by a New York law firm against Binance, KuCoin, BiBox, BitMEX and its owners HDR Global Trading Limited,, Quantstamp, KayDex, Civic, BProtocol and Tron
BitDigest April 6 · Issue #630

SEC Delays Case Against Boaz Manor
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has delayed its ongoing lawsuit against fraudster Boaz Manor (aka Shaun MacDonald) and his partner Edith Pardo for their role in BCT terminal and CG Blockchain. Federal prosecutors in New Jersey argued that the action is necessary to prevent the accused from obtaining information under the broad rules of civil discovery that would otherwise be unattainable under the narrow scope of criminal discovery.

Exchange, Custody and Product News

BitDigest April 6 · Issue #630

Binance Adding Options and Removes "Visa" from New Debit Card Information
Binance tweeted a ‘leak’ highlighting new features to test on its app. On the list of different features was “support Options Trading” thereby providing users with road map of what’s next to come on the exchanges mobile app. Also, it appears that Binance has removed all references of Visa from news and photos about the new Binance debit card. No reason was provided, but it is believed that Binance and Visa were unable to reach an agreement on using payment network.
BitDigest April 6 · Issue #630

Poloniex Announces Token Launching Platform
Poloniex announced the creation of LaunchBase, a new token launching platform. LaunchBase will “collaborate closely with projects, community members and industry-wide partners to seed and promote the adoption of quality cryptocurrencies worldwide, including via the sale of tokens to eligible participants on the Poloniex platform.”
BitDigest April 6 · Issue #630

ShapeShift Adds Debit Card for US Clients
ShapeShift CEO Erik Voorhees tweeted that US-based customers can now purchase bitcoin on a debit card. Of note is that this announcement was made recognizing ShapeShift lacks a traditional KYC program; since transfers on the platform are peer-to-peer between individual users, KYC is not necessary.

Thoughts on the Ecosystem

BitDigest April 6 · Issue #630

If Bitcoin Doesn't Go Up Now, Novogratz May "Hang Up His Spurs"
Mike Novogratz told CNBC viewers that if bitcoin does not at least double by the end of the year, he actually thinks it should re-test 2017 highs, he may “just hang up his spurs.” The Galaxy Digital Chairman says everything is favoring bitcoin with ongoing QE and new investors flows coming in, adding “if [bitcoin] doesn’t go up now, I am not sure when it will.”

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