Maple Finance (SYRUP)

Nov 13, 2024 • 11 Min Read

Maple Overview

Maple Finance is a digital asset lending platform founded in 2019 by a group of former investment bank and credit professionals. Maple Finance has an institutional lending focus with industry-standard compliance and due diligence for all borrowers and lenders, providing a transparent and frictionless lending experience.

Maple is the gateway for institutions to access on-chain credit. Most borrowers are institutions in the digital asset space and are subject to credit underwriting and risk assessments from Maple’s in-house credit team. After lenders/borrowers complete Maple’s diligence process, they are added to Maple’s allow-list and can use Maple’s pools freely. Interest rates and loan terms are determined by Maple’s credit team, and they offer a variety of different lending products with various risk profiles and target yields.

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In order to lend on Maple, users must be accredited investors. Maple has recognized that accredited investor requirements limit many DeFi users’ ability to access institutional lending yield and has addressed the issue with the launch of Syrup, which opens up permissionless lending for DeFi users.

Investors can now deposit USDT or USDC into Syrup’s pools, which are routed through a blend of Maple’s Blue Chi...

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