Q4'23 Portfolio Update
Throughout 2023, our research team has recommended seven venture-style investments, primarily focused on small-cap tokens. We have compiled brief updates on each of the projects in our portfolio to examine our initial investment theses and ensure they remain intact.
Click HERE for the full report.
Executive Summary
Reports you may have missed
EMPYREAL OVERVIEW Empyreal provides developers with a software development kit (SDK) to make crypto programming easier and more effective. EMP hopes to bridge the gap between web2 and web3 developers and remove some of the nuances of blockchain-centric languages like Solidity. The EmpyrealSDK takes a modular approach, allowing developers to pick and choose which toolkits they want to integrate into their products, supporting full customization. Each module encapsulates a different...
MAPLE OVERVIEW Maple Finance is a digital asset lending platform founded in 2019 by a group of former investment bank and credit professionals. Maple Finance has an institutional lending focus with industry-standard compliance and due diligence for all borrowers and lenders, providing a transparent and frictionless lending experience. Maple is the gateway for institutions to access on-chain credit. Most borrowers are institutions in the digital asset space and are subject...
INTRODUCTION In an increasingly digital world, demand for wireless internet has never been higher. The wide use of handheld devices, the growth of “smart devices,” and the commercial importance of connectivity have left traditional carriers struggling to keep up with demand. Carriers have begun exploring zero to low-capex alternatives to provide services to their customers through the help of decentralized infrastructure networks (dePIN). XNET is a decentralized wireless network using...