Big Week for CeFi

Dec 6, 2024 • 5 Min Read

Weekly Recap

Crypto funding rose 60% week-over-week from $145 million to $232 million, while total deal count decreased 7% from 29 to 27. CeFi was the leading funding category, totaling $145 million across three deals and comprising 63% of all funding. The total was bolstered by Public’s $130 Series D round, representing only the second Series D round in 2024. Although CeFi has been a laggard category all year, three of the four late-stage rounds (Series C or later) have been CeFi companies. Infrastructure was the leading category for deal count, tallying 15 deals, making up more than half of all deals. This week, there was a wider array of deal stages, with seven different stages recording at least one investment. Series D was the most funded deal stage due to Public’s round, followed by Series A, which saw $26 million in funding across three deals, including our Deal of the Week, Spexi.

Funding by Category

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The chart in this report is only accessible to members

Funding by Stage

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The chart in this report is only accessible to members

Deal of the Week

Spexi, a drone imagery network, raised $11.5 million in a Series A round led by Blockchange Ventures, with participation from Protocol Labs and Moonshots Capital. Spexi is striving to transform the aerial imagery industry by building a scal...

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