SBF Comes to the Rescue

Jun 24, 2022 • 3 Min Read
  • This week was an interesting one in funding from both venture capital and debt financing. After the insolvency of the high-profile hedge fund, 3 Arrows Capital, several crypto lending giants, including BlockFi and Voyager who lent money to 3AC, were left with potential losses totaling hundreds of millions of dollars. This caused the widespread panic of contagion risks until FTX and Alameda Research (each of which are companies founded by Sam Bankman-Fried or “SBF”) stepped in to provide capital. FTX signed a term sheet this week with BlockFi for a $250M revolving line of credit, and Alameda entered into a $500M loan with Voyager consisting of $350M USDC and 15,250 BTC. These credit facilities are presumably to help the lending platforms stay afloat and have ample liquidity among customers withdrawing their funds. FTX also made moves on the M&A front, acquiring Canadian trading platform, Bitvo, and Embed Financial technologies, a stock clearing business. This demonstrates just how well-capitalized FTX and Alameda Research are in an industry where many companies are currently facing liquidity issues.
On the venture side, there was an increase in deal activity across the board. Total deals increased from 24 to 32, and the total amount funded increased over 500%, from $29...

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