Fireside Chat: Crypto lost the battle in DC, what happens next?

Aug 13, 2021
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We had the opportunity to meet with Tom Block, FSInsight’s Washington and Policy Strategist, along with Sean Farrell, our VP of Digital Assets.

Last week we met to discuss the crypto provision tucked inside the Infrastructure Bill, which loosely defined broker and many saw this as negatively affecting the future of blockchain & crypto innovation here in the US.

A compromise amendment was then proposed, which clarified the language and exempted software developers, transaction validators, and node operators as brokers.

After a single senator, Richard Shelby of Alabama, objected to the introduction of the compromise amendment to the infrastructure bill on Monday, it failed to be added to the legislation prior to a final Senate vote.

The original language is still in place and the bill is now headed to the House.

Tom & Sean provide some insight and what we can expect moving ahead, from both Washington and in the crypto industry.

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